For a good reason I can’t remember now I decided to go for a short tour in Sörmland over Eastern. From Maundy Thursday afternoon to Easter day. One thing I enjoy about touring on my bike is the preparations. Fixing equipment, planning the route and get food etc. After some thinking and planning I had a pretty good idea how to cycling. Thanks to google Maps some challenges can be meet. I left 3 pm after a some work had to be done. My plan was to cycle to Björnlunda first day, about 63 km. Bot I did not make it. Had about 7 km left.
It was a cold night. I continued on small gravel roads and asphalt to Nyköpipng where I indulge myself with a Whopper meal at Burger King before I continued to my planned stopover outside Bettna.
Second night was even colder then the first night. I met my sister at Lida gård for lunch before the final stage back to Eskilstuna.
It was winter cycling at low temperatures but no snow. A total of 220 km 48 hours. These pictures covers it pretty well.